You’re not Consistent!

I did a poll on instagram and the number one reason people struggle with working out is consistency. 

First let’s talk about what being consistent looks like. Consistency is a standard set overtime. When people think about working out consistently they come up with the idea that they must workout 365 days a year. That’s called PERFECTION not consistency. And That’s preposterous! Here’s an example; our menstrual cycle is usually 28 days, when you’re healthy your cycle is consistent, every month you know when it’s coming. When our cycle doesn’t come with in the 28-32 day window we  know something is up. Working out can have the same kind of consistency.  Now, I don’t recommend working out only 5-7 days a month like a period but try making your idea of being consistent realistic. Instead of setting a goal of working out 6 days a week, try 3 days a week a 60 min walk. If you do this 3 days a week for 12 weeks, you have been consistent.  

Being consistent thrives on purpose. Finding a strong purpose or reason to maintain a habit. Ask yourself WHY? Why do I do this? Why do I want to do this? And dig deep.

Why do I want to workout? To get in shape.

Why do I want to get in shape? To look good and to be able to run up the stairs without losing breath. 

Why is it important that I  look good and be able to not lose your breath quickly? To feel confident and build better self esteem and to run around with my kids . 

What can more confidence do for me? More Confidence will help me find a better job, attract confident people, and  I can teach my children how to be confident, etc. 

You get my point. 

Most times people need a therapist or coach to help them reveal these deeper answers because the questions are simple. Ask yourself some of the questions and allow yourself time to come up with the answers. This applies to fitness, nutrition, relationships, and so many areas of our life because they are all connected. I choose to eat a plant based diet because it makes me feel good. When I take care of myself I feel good. When I make a healthy choice I feel good. Feeling good makes my life shine and my attitude, and prospective changes when I feel good. I love to feel accomplished and successful. I love to feel like a boss.

You are blessed to be able to prepare for a new year, you have the authority to start a positive consistency in your life. Eating more plant-based foods, increasing your steps, starting a fitness regimen you can start today. You do not need to take the all or nothing mindset or create huge leaps to be successful. It starts with one small step most times. Let’s live in the power that we possess and gain a higher quality of life with passion, purpose, and pretty pumped fitness. 

Love ya, 

Rasheeta Joy



About me

I am Rasheeta Joy. Your Plant-based wellness coach. I help women create a high-quality life through health and wellness. Over the last 10 years, I have helped hundreds of women start their health and fitness journey and transition to a plant-based lifestyle.

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